The Paws!!! on Ice zine is a Yuri!!! on Ice fanzine with 228 pages of art, fiction, and cosplay dedicated to Victuuri, Otayuri, and their pets!


Status: Complete and Donation Made

Your support allowed us to raise $740.21, which we’ve donated to Big Cat Rescue and Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary!
See our Tumblr post


With the recent popularity of Netflix’s “Tiger King” bringing a new spotlight on the issues of animal welfare, especially for big cats, and the necessity of pets being brought into discussion far more than usual due to the emotional strain many people are currently facing, now seemed like an incredibly important time to bring this zine to fruition- especially as the light-hearted theme and focus on our furry companions can help to bring a lighter mood about as well!The Paws!!! on Ice zine is going to be a uniquely formatted MEGA zine comprising two different editions and containing nearly twice the amount of content as a normal zine! On one side will be the Poodle edition, and when you flip it upside down, the Tiger edition will be on the other. A third edition, the Wildlife edition, will be made for our 50-sales stretch goal!The poodle edition will be exclusively Viktor Nikiforov/Yuri Katsuki and will focus on dogs- though it’s called the poodle edition, our contributors will have the option of including any kind of dog they’d like! Wild dogs and canines such as wolves, coyotes, and African wild dogs included! Though the poodle edition is focused on Vikturi, SOLO works of Yuri and Viktor are perfectly welcome as well!The tiger edition will be exclusively Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky and will focus on cats- though it’s called the tiger edition, our contributors will have the option of including any kind of cat they’d like! Domestic cats, lions, panthers, or any other kind of feline included! Though the tiger edition is focused on Otayuri, SOLO works of Otabek and Yuri are perfectly welcome as well!The Wildlife edition will focus on any other Yuri On Ice characters and/or ships and will be themed to animals in general.Our profits will be evenly distributed between Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary and Big Cat Rescue, and if we make enough to be a split zine, to our contributors as well.Each edition will also have it’s own merch! Options will be included for those who only wish to support one zine as well as to those who wish to support all.


Lions and Tigers

April 10, 2020 - Interest Check opens
May 10, 2020 - Applications Open
June 10, 2020 - Applications Close
June 25, 2020 - Response emails are sent out
July 5, 2020 - Contributor List Announced

And Poodles

July 25, 2020 - First Check-In
August 25, 2020 - Second Check-In
September 25, 2020 - Third Check-In
October 25, 2020 - Soft Deadline and Pinch-Hitters requested

Oh My!

November 10, 2020 - All submissions due, hard deadline
November 20, 2020 - Final extension requests due
December 18, 2020 - February 24 2021 - Pre-orders!
September 30, 2021 - October 21, 2021 - Relaunch and Raffle
March 16, 2022 - March 25, 2022 - Leftover Sales!
April - June 2022 - Shipping and Fulfillment!



  • All applicants must be 18+

  • This zine is rated PG-13

  • The poodle edition is a Viktor Nikiforov/Yuri Katsuki only zine; the tiger edition is an Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky only zine, and the wildlife edition encompasses all other YOI pairings such as Phichit/Chris, Mila/Sara, Leo/Guang Hong, etc.

  • If you’re participating in the tiger edition of the zine, Yuri must be aged up to 18+ to ensure that there are no accusations of underage relationships

  • As this zine’s purpose is to help animals, we will strictly NOT allow any mentions of animal abuse, torture, death, or other harm (IE: please no “Makkachin dies” fics)

  • Additionally, if you’re choosing to exhibit wild animals in your work, we kindly ask that you avoid turning them into pets or implying that they’re pets, as this illegal and inhumane practice is not something we wish to promote; zoos, sanctuaries, and conservation societies are perfectly fine!

  • Please DO NOT post your work elsewhere until after the zines are sold out!

For Writers

  • Please submit your stories with the maximum word count of 3,500 words (with the leeway limit of 100 words max) in a Google Document. At the top of your piece, state the total word count and list tags like you would when publishing on AO3 (like: AU type, relationships, warnings, fluff/romance).

  • -You do not have to have a formally beta’d work! If you’re completely happy with your piece when you send it in, that’s all we ask, if we happen to find a potential typo or have a question about something you’ve written during our review process, we’ll simply ask about it.

  • -That said, we are NOT editors, so please make sure you’re happy with your work before sending it in!

For Artists

  • Art does not have to be full color, but it is encouraged!

  • Comics are allowed! But there will be limited availability for multi-page spreads to keep our page count decent, so please let us know ASAP if you’re interested in doing a multi-page comic or spread!

  • Please submit both a PDF and PNG version of your piece(s) and ensure that the PDF is formatted to CMYK and 300dpi, and that both measure to 5.5 x 8.5 inches (with the art continuing to the edge). If you are creating a double spread or comic, please submit both the whole piece and the separate pages as separate files. Your separate pages need to measure to 5.5 x 8.5 inches each and have the page number written at the end of the file title (e.g. …Title of piece Page 1).

For Cosplayers

  • Follow the above for the artists and list your photographer’s credit following your own: CreditPhotographer CreditSFW_Title of piece

Content rules for Artists and Cosplayers

  • No genitalia; nipples and bare butts are questionable so please let us know ahead of time what you’re planning to draw if you intend to include either of these, quite obviously these parts are not always meant to be drawn in a sexual nature but we’d like this zine to be available for anyone to enjoy so don’t want to rate it 18+, meaning we have to be cautious about this sort of thing.

  • No explicit sexual themes; romance is obviously ok, up to a PG-13 level, kissing is fine, snuggling is fine, neck-smooching is fine, but if it’s below the neck, please contact us first with a detail of what exactly you plan to do, not ALL below-the-neck activity is sexual (IE: shoulder kisses) but enough is that we just want to be sure, we want the zine to be teen and up so that everyone can be comfortable with it, but we also aren’t about censorship, so please work with us to find the balance!

  • This zine is generally going to be more light-hearted but if there’s some reason to feature blood or darker material please keep it fairly limited.

Content rules for Writers

  • No explicit descriptions of nudity or sexual themes (IE: it’s ok to say that Viktor is naked, but please don’t describe his dick in detail, by this same token, it’s also ok to say that Viktor and Yuri slept together, but nothing that would be rated M or above on AO3, therefore it’s totally fine to have “close the door” scenes and mention previous escapades, but no explicit details) if you aren’t sure about something, please contact us and let us give your our opinions!

  • You can use some rated R language, but please keep it relatively tame and don’t relate it to sexual organs (IE: you can drop the F bomb once or twice but please don’t make it every other word, “tits and ass” are fine, “cocks and pussies” are not).

  • As this is a generally more light-hearted zine, there shouldn’t be much reason for violence or blood, but if you feel the need to feature it for some reason, please keep it to a minimum.

  • If your story contains material that may be triggering such as death or permenant injury, please include a trigger warning!

  • Absolutely no slurs or hate speech of any kind will be tolerated, it’s fine if you want to have an antagonist who’s homophobic or something, but please don’t use any slurs to relay it.

  • On that, the organizers do not consider “Queer” to be a slur, we consider it reclaimed! So please feel perfectly comfortable using it if you so choose, but we do ask that you not use it as an insult or in a slur-context, as again, “queer” is meant to be a positive word in this space!

Mod Team

Asagi is a professional writer who is currently modding for seven other zines, and has over five years of experience with fandom event moderation! Her job here will include primary event hosting, production, and shipping.

Annabel Lee (aka Zenphoenixa) is a self-taught artist who has a tendency to live under a rock, fangirling her dirty thirties away, linking every aspect of her life from a scene from The Simpsons and bombarding her work team with 'Bargain of the Week' emails. This will be her third zine. She will be assisting with general and graphic mod duties.

Bullsfish is our graphic design mod, her skill honed through her architecture degree! She's worked on several Yuri!!! On Ice zines in the past as a contributor and is currently modding her second zine here with us.

Makkareads is a seeker of happiness, lover of all furry souls, and superhero in the eyes of her cats. She spends her days doing professional writing and advising, and generally keeping people’s ducks in rows. The rest of her time is spent reading, writing, getting lost, believing in magic, and daydeaming with abandon. She is modding her first zine with us and will be helping out with general mod duties and social media.

We'd also like to give a special thank you to the incomparable Taedae-Nextrea, who did a wonderful job modding with us until September!
Along with modding the Yu-Gi-Oh Horror zine, the Yuri!!! On Ice Holiday zine, and the Teen Wolf Soulmates zine, Tae contributed to several in the past and will be contributing to this one as both a writer and an artist.

Our Charities

The mission of Big Cat Rescue is to provide the best home it can for the cats in its care, end abuse of big cats in captivity, and prevent extinction of big cats in the wild. Big Cat Rescue is a four star charity with Charity Navigator. Its Goal is for donors to find their gifts to be among the most satisfying they make by accomplishing the charity's mission in the most financially responsible manner possible.

Senior dogs, especially those with medical problems or disabilities, face a much greater chance of euthanasia at shelters than younger dogs because it is difficult to find adopters for them due to their shorter additional life expectancy and unknown veterinary costs. Most of these wonderful senior dogs will be able to live happily with a good quality of life if given a chance. They make wonderful companions because they are mature, calm and loving. It is more difficult for them to settle in, and once they do, it is difficult for them to move again. For this reason Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary strives to find them forever foster homes where they can live out their retirement years as a loved family member.



  • What is the zine rating?

  • PG-13, but you must be 18 or older to participate.

  • What ships are allowed?

  • All ships, as long as they are of legal age. For example, if you plan to ship Yurio, he will need to be aged up to 18 or higher.

  • What are the different editions?

  • The poodle edition is a Viktor Nikiforov/Yuri Katsuki only zine. The tiger edition is an Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky only zine. If we choose to do a third edition, it’ll encompass all other YOI pairings such as Phichit/Chris, Mila/Sara, Leo/Guang Hong, etc.

  • Can I apply for more than one edition?

  • Yes! Please do!

  • Can I apply for more than one contributor role?

  • Absolutely! You can apply for any of the roles. We cannot guarantee you will be accepted for all the roles you applied for, but you can still certainly apply.

  • What are the application requirements?

  • Please see our guidelines pages for the full list of application requirements, as well as what will be expected of your contributions should you be accepted.

  • Can I apply if I’ve never done a zine before?

  • Absolutely! Artists and writers who have no experience are just as valid as those who do! We do, however, ask that moderators have experience with at least running some fan event(s), as it makes the behind the scenes processes smoother.

  • Can my application samples include NSFW pieces?

  • Yes! Though the zine is PG-13, your application can include NSFW submissions.

  • What do contributors get?

  • All contributors will receive our highest-level bundle packages, which includes the physical zine. And provided the zine makes enough profit, contributors will also receive some money for their hard work (please see below for more information).

  • What if I need to drop out of the zine?

  • That’s okay! We understand life comes first. We have a schedule in place to gather pinch-hitters if they are required, though we ask that if you do need to drop out, please do so before the final check-in (August 10th), if possible.

  • What if I need an extension?

  • Please let us know, and we’ll do our best to work with you to accommodate this. Do keep in mind, however, there is only so long we can allow for extensions without delaying the entire zine.

  • **How will I know if my application was approved? Will only those selected as contributors get notified?

  • Do not fear! All applicants will receive an e-mail, regardless of whether or not they have been accepted as contributors.**

  • What if I miss the pre-orders?

  • Don’t worry! There will be extra copies that will be made available for a leftovers sale!

  • What if I need to cancel my pre-order?

  • Just let us know! Provided you cancel before orders are shipped, we’ll be happy to accommodate.

  • Do you accept returns?

  • Only if something is damaged or misprinted. In that case, we’ll be happy to replace the item.

  • Is this zine for charity or profit?

  • Both. We plan to donate half our profits to charity, and distribute the rest between our staff and contributors, provided we make enough to do so. In the event we have very little left after printing costs, we’ll donate 100% of the remaining proceeds to charity, instead.

  • What if I miss out on the zine entirely?

  • Don’t worry! There will be more zines to come! Keep an eye on the blog even after this zine ends for information on future projects!


  • Will there be a community/server for the contributors and mods? Is a specific program or website required to participate?

  • Yes; there is a zine specific Discord server that all mods and contributors will have access to. Those accepted will receive a private invitation to the server.

  • Is there a twitter account for the zine?

  • Yes! @YoiPawsAndClaws

  • How will the zine be promoted?

  • Through the zine’s tumblr blog and twitter. Previews and promotional art and/or stories will be posted closer to (and during) the pre-order time frame, but it will be up to the mod team and contributors to reblog, retweet, etc., to spread the word!


  • What are the page dimensions?

  • Full Canvas size: 5.75” x 8.75” (to account for bleed and spine). Art space: 5.5” x 8.5”. For detailed information on the page size, including bleed area, check out this template.

  • Is traditional art allowed?

  • Absolutely! We have no limits on the art mediums used: both traditional and digital are welcome.

  • What are the minimum and maximum word counts?

  • Minimum: 500. Maximum: 3,500 (plus a 100-word leeway)

  • How will the completed pieces be collected?

  • We will have a Google Drive available for contributors to directly upload all completed pieces.

  • Can contributors post their own (unofficial) previews? Or are the official previews the only ones allowed to be shown?

  • Official previews will be posted closer to (and during) the pre-order period. However, you are allowed to post your own preview, providing it doesn’t show more than 20-30% of the piece. For anyone who streams, you can work on your piece while live, provided you do not complete the piece on stream. The full, completed piece is not allowed to be posted until after the zine has sold out.

  • Are collaborations between contributors allowed?

  • Absolutely!

  • What are the rules on swearing/crude language?

  • If it is something you would hear in a Marvel movie (excluding Deadpool), it’s acceptable—if Tony Stark wouldn’t say it, you probably shouldn’t either. A few f-bombs are alright, as some characters are just like that, but references to genitalia should be avoided. Slurs are not acceptable.

  • Can I use my own beta(s) for my story?

  • Yes!

  • How will contributors be notified about progress check-ins?

  • Check-ins will take place on the Discord server, but as we know not everyone checks Discord frequently, we don’t expect everyone to check-in immediately on the day of. E-mail check-ins will be sent to those who haven’t/aren’t able to check-in on Discord for one reason or another.

  • What are the check-in requirements/expectations?

  • First Check-in (July 15th): Have the general idea of what your piece will entail, but actual progress is not necessary at this stage. Ideally, you should be able to provide a short blurb about your concept.

  • Second Check-in (August 25th): Some degree of work, whether that be a sketch, an outline, a few paragraphs, etc. Ideally, 20-30% of your overall work.

  • Third Check-in (September 25th): Ideally, ~60%. Lineart finished, and perhaps flat colors applied. First draft written or coming to the half-way point in your story, etc.

  • Fourth Check-in (October 25th): Pieces should be mostly finished, if not complete, only needing some finishing touches like betaing or touching up the background, etc. This is also the ideal last date to drop out, should you need to, or to make a major change to your work so pinch-hitters have ample time to step in.

  • Final Check-in (November 10th): Hard deadline. All pieces are due, except for those granted extensions (extensions are due November 20th).

  • How will I know what the merch assignments are?

  • Merch assignments will be discussed once all contributors have been accepted and have joined the Discord server. If you are interested in providing content for merch, please indicate that on your application.